Jul 25, 2013

#523 Patriotic  Bar 2 Bar   2013 7 6
Present: Psychodrunk, Sushi Cow Girl, ODS, Suck My Gumballs, Texas T-Bag,
Late Cummers: Chainsaw Assacre, Aussie Chakura, Captain Jack Swallows, Ballerina Boo Boo
Hare(s) / Bars:
(1)    ODS: Anchor Club
(2)    Psycho Drunk: Akekiyo (明清
(3)    Chainsaw: Bunny Bar
(4)    Sushi: Tequila Bar
(5)    Texas T-Bag: Playmates
(6)    SMG / CA : After 5
(7)    CJS / AC: Tamo Tako
(8)    Psychodrunk: Bar Vent
(9)    Psychodrunk : Sasaya
(10) Sushi: Park Slope

On- Away to the damn rain that was on and off earlier in the day, it was that of which prompted cancellation of the scheduled trash pickup.  Voted on by the Kangaroo Court members initially present. SO it would be as established, that ODS would hare 1st.
Hare away ODS would chalk his way to Anchor, where aplenty of beer to drink and darts to throw were in the mix. Thus included with other sorts of debaucheries.

Psychodrunk was erected to go next, While the hounds were following the loop around beaten trail as it were this be where Chainsaw entered into the fray. This was enroute to ____________. Our suspicion was that Pyschodrunk was starved. Having already eaten  dinner. Chainsaw Assacre took the chalk to blaze trail while the others were eating.

Said trail was not to hard to follow, quite predictable actually. More to Follow on that. Keeping with the Patriotic theme, Bar #4 was Bunny bar and raher a good choice considering that the barmaids were in traditional wear of Yukata. To boot ODS, made mention that Chainsaw cost him 100¥. All be it the start of a new Bar 2 bar tradition of wagering on where the next hare goes? We shall see. I vote in favor of mind you.

Following up Sushi cow girl was next up, which took us to tequila bar in Lil Manila as I like to refer to it. Thus where latecummers Captain & Aussie joined in. Next bet was placed. Texas T-Bag away.

Playmates was the choice as It was to T-bag’s surprise that either snowball and / or Flash Flower remembered him. Chainsaw won the wager, in turn he used the prize for his beer. CJS / Aussie took were erected next as they took us to Tamo tako .

The rest being a blur after Ballerina Boo-Boo joined us, Psycho went for 8 and 9 to bar vent then Bamboo House. Sushi Then took us to Park slope for swing low and more beer. 10 Bars in total and wild debaucherous times aplenty were had. All in all it was a good night. 

Chainsaw Assacre

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