Nov 30, 2010

Hash Trash 2010 November 20 Bar-to-bar (no title)

As the late cummers came, the hash grew so that we took over every bar we went to. The Hashers were Sushi Cow Girl, Follows Children, One Dog Sleeping, Nagasuckme, Eye Full of (Eiffel) Penis, Meow Job, Puppy Face Off, Psychodrunk, NFN Mollie, NFN Alex, NFN Brandon, NFN Ryan, NFN Jessie and NFN Sachi. Meow Job was the hare for the first 5 bars. There were clearly not enough intersections, and the hounds did not get lost at all. However, after many BT's and question marks, Sushi Cow Girl was able to track Meow Job all the way to Dolphin's. There the hounds refreshed and then they were out the door again, getting lost on their way to Shooters. It was there that a wave of late cummers arrived, Eiffel Penis arrived with his virgins, and Follows Children brought his virgin. They tried to follow the trail, but as FC said "I lost the trail when I was at a four-way intersection where there were 3 question marks and a BT." Forced into "tech on trail," all hounds were united. From there we went off to our third bar, but Meow Job illustrated his great skill in counting and labeled it as our fourth. There is a reason, apparently, that it is only an Army of One. That did not stop the hounds, and we were off to Playmates were we ran into Snowball, Flash Flower, NFN Amy, and AKA Gay. After much rejoicing and hash drinking, Meow Job was off again. He led the hounds on an exceptionally short trail to Laguna, followed by Makati where he was fired from being the hare for too many hills and not enough intersections. Sushi Cow Girl was erected to lay the next trail after secretly scheming with Puppy Face Off. Sushi Cow Girl led us a block away to River Rock, were the hounds continued to drink and howl. Puppy Face Off was erected to lay the next trail with the assistance of Sushi Cow Girl. They successfully laid a trail where no bar to bar hash had gone before. Half out the door and half inside the bar, Sushi Cow Girl, in pure cinematic fashion, announced "ROADS!! Where were going, we don't need roads." They were off. The hounds had no problem following Puppy Face Off, as his bright yellow shirt lit up the night. It was no ordinary bar; it was Sasebo Park with 15 Chu Hi provided by Sushi Cow Girl. It was there that the hashers learned that it takes exactly 15 cans to make an ON ON arrow out of beer. Despite their best efforts, both hares were fired, and One Dog Sleeping led the pack to Polos. It was there that Puppy Face Off sang "Oh Darling" to Follows Children with helpful howling from the pack. With all the space, the whole group sat and drank, but that was not hashing fashion, it was on to the next bar. The hounds were off, but the run has turned into a stumble, arriving at Marie's II, we all enjoyed a few pitchers. Only after a game of pool, and songs, the hounds were off to Gramophone, It took four tables combined to seat the group. It was there that we were happy to see Happy SM, who was saving her voice if not her energy. After a toast, we were finally off to our final bar. It was at Bunny that we finally swung low, and the hash left in a drunken peace. Puppy Face Off

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