Jul 21, 2012

Hash Trash 2012 July 21 Run #466 1st ever Store To Store Hash

Present: Chainsaw, ODS, Mama Suck Me, NFN’s Stephan, Josh , Zack and  Scott (Virgin)
Latecummers: Akagay, Potassium Pubinator, E.M.I
Hares/ Stores:
#1 Chainsaw / Nakamura (champion)
#2 ODS / Family Mart IVO Albuquerque
#3 MSM / ??? Package Store (ODS’s Dealer)
#4 AKAGAY / ??? Bar
#5 Chainsaw - NFN Scott / RIC
#6 Potassium – NFN Zack / Family mart (35)
#7 ODS / New Makati (Simon’s) Birthday
#8 CA / EMI Wild Side (Merci’s Birthday)
#9 ??  / New Makati

Twas a sultry summer evening for a last minute, well almost last minute that is because CA posted on facebook, Chainsaw using tech? WTH? Any how branching off on a tangent, so it be that Assacre was erected to go 1st.  Thus leading to the tricky CB2 by the bridge, just because he was being a dick and because they assumed that he was goona go there 1st.  Then ODS used tech to try saying they were lost in Sake Town.

ODS was erected #2 but to the tune of predictability, he did go to the Family mart by the bridge. Then had to fuck off momentarily, but had returned with latecummer Potassium Pubinator, Down Downs were conducted then Mama Suck Me was erected #3. Thus after trail violation of CB3, back to the intersection, we finally found the place It was a ??? package store (ODS’s) “Dealer” AKAgay decided to join the merry bunch as we interrogated the Virgin, NFN Scott to find out that the web made him cum & his sponsor wasn’t even there.

Akagay was erected as the next hare, but he was being the mega wanker and refused to carry the damn chalk tote. On ward we searched for nearly an hour but should we have turned left to find true trail going to ??? bar. Chainsaw was erected and he took NFN Scott with him leading unto an intersection turn right to find improper marks made by NFN Scott. To the amusement of the hares, seeing the hounds loop around and find the finish at the RIC nearby the movie theatre sitting on a park bench watching them walk right passed towards lion tower then again to the finish.

Potassium Pubinator and NFN Zack, would take the chalk from there and lead us to the Family Mart on the corner of 35. Shortly there after One Dog was erected only to draw a map to New Makati, and then finish. But by demand as the hashers were hungry & wanted to give non hasher Simon a proper birthday down-down but he was already gone!!!!  There we found latecummer E.M.I. The hashers found their way to wild side, attempting and succeeding at the proper birthday cheers for non hasher Mercy.

Forget who it was that hared last but we found our way back to New Makati to swing low & drink more beer.

Chainsaw Assacre

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