Jul 25, 2013

#522    2013  6  30  Sushi Pick Up Jackpot Run

Present: ODS, Cliffhanger, Sushi Cow Girl, Beaver Fister,
1st Hare: Sushi (Cliffhanger)
2nd Hare: CH /  Sushi
Latecummer: Chainsaw Assacre, Psychodrunk

On this hot as hell day, Chainsaw decided to sleep in, or did he? Anyhow I digress. As it is unimportant now. Chainsaw eventually got there & joined up w/ the pack along 35. Thru the sweltering, sweating & otherwise miserable humidity we found our way across the 4 way overpass.

Passing the post office then up some stairs to the Thai restaurant, where there was no beer stop to make up for the absent minded blunder of the highball stop. For shame on you Sushi. Moving right along, It was finally going downhill or so we thought. Thru the shiggy? Unfortunately, not this time.

It wasn’t too long before the hounds were lead past a shrine & a storm runoff which looks like a makeshift waterfall, and a bathroom that allegedly had no TP. For more details ask ODS. (The old Brown Dog went pppphhhhtttt up against the wall) 

From that point we noticed, cliffhanger trying to signal us, but we could not make out what he was saying, so we made it look like we was walking away to see which way he was saying to go. Right then, as it were or rather something like that, Beaver & Chainsaw moving right along passing hotel Cara, where the idea was mentioned for renting out the hot tub on the roof & throwing a party.

On-On, It was noticed that in vicinity of ???  Hospital was where Cliffhanger had snared the hare. But elected to co hare as he was not so familiar with the part of Sasebo he was in. As BF and Chainsaw descended the mountain, we  noticed that none of the intersections were marked. To the above reason was noted as to why.

So as it turns out ODS did not just short cut back to the park as we had suspected. However to make note of another occurrence, It was beaver fister who noticed Captain Jack Swallows and who we suspected was Aussie Chakra. Much to our dismay they did not join us.

Shortly thereafter It was none other than Psychodrunk to join us. For the rest of Down Downs. During of which we were invited to a party @ Golf Bar Lagg for the on-on. Which turned out to be an enjoyable experience for all.

Far from professional golfers we are, but that didn’t stop us from having a food drink and an otherwise good time all around. Note to Chainsaw Assacre: IT”S A GOLFBALL, NOT A HOCKEY PUCK!!!

Chainsaw Assacre

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