Hashers Present: Steamers,
Butt Fuck Butters, Suck My Gumballs, Texas T-Bag, Yano Mas, Whiny The Poo, Blow
My Whistle, Psychodrunk, Akage, Whiny The Poo, NFN’s Randy, Alex, Fumi, Justin
Hare: Chainsaw Assacre
Latecummers: One Dog
Sleeping, Goat Fuck Yourself
This whole mess of debauchery from the get go, I Chainsaw Assacre
ake the blame for, NOT!!!. As I
was saying, his special newsletter (hash trash) postdated. It all started at
Hiu (日宇) Station.
As a side note, It was Chainsaw who put the challenge to the pack to
catch him, If this happens, then Chainsaw would quit smoking. Did not work that
way as it turns out . Fuck me I am off on a tangent here. 12 minutes started
after a long wait for Assacre to cross 35. Hounds away finally.
On-On the pack went to a really awesome looking spiral staircase for
hash Flash #1. Then after it was the slide of hand CB4, leading up a semi steep
walkway, were fishing in a small pond was suggested. At the top was an
intersection followed to the left leading up to a set of overgrown weeds and
spider webs attached to the stairs.
Onwards thru the construction site, to a side road leading up to Mt.
Eboshidake (烏帽子岳) . Moving right along it was spotted for the pack to sing
Hashers, as this was the 1st of many of CA’s chalk scribblings along
the way. The next hash flash was along a giant rock, this after the art of
“shaggy-surfing” was born.
Many other wise (_!_) captions were chalked in but most seem to have
missed the cameras. That is until after the woods where the “GOD-DAMNED
SPIDERS” was placed. Heading, (Head, who said head?) the Pack came across a
giant intersection nearby an apartment building where a lot of the Sasebo (佐世保市) police live at.
Thru the beer stops, hash
Takanashi-chou. Chainsaw got away clean, hahaha. Down-Downs conducted, noise complaints received, and 3
hashers were named. NFN’s Alex, Randy & Fumi Henceforth & Forever more
shall be known as: Denture Dick (DD) , Golden Steamer, & Nash Trash
Chainsaw Assacre
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