Present: Psychodrunk,
Turcockatron, Texas T-Bag, Sushi Cowgirl, Chainsaw Assacre, Romanian Steamer,
AKAGAY, Captain Jack Swallows, Happy SM, Bent Over Board, Shows To Daddy, Twat
Waffle, Daddy's Porn Star, Pull My Strings, Lil Steamer, NFN's John, Juri,
Kelly, Katsunori, Alex, Virgins: Mallory, Evan
Twat Waffle / Psychodrunk
Psychodrunk / Twat Waffle
Twat Waffle / Psychodrunk
Psychodrunk / Turcockatron
Turcockatron / Psychodrunk
Psychodrunk / NFN John (Finish)
An experimental version of a pick up hash was
started at Daito Station, vice Nimitz Park. So as Twat waffle was away, Sushi
Cow Girl delighted Virgins & backsliders alike w/ the chalk talk to
conclude just as the 5 minutes were up but it might as well have been the full
12 as Twat threw us all for a curve as the very 1st intersection was unusually
marked & lined out confusing the hounds. Thus forth we spent 30+ minutes
going by, around and thru the Daito driving school. At least until trail was
found going up thru the shiggy on the far side of the school. As said trail
went cold for Texas, Chainsaw, Sushi & NFN John, as was enough for the
above mentioned hounds to shortcut the rest of the way.
Beer stop at 7-11. But not before, Turcockatron decided to
stop at a playground?? Then there was a tunnel to go thru? As for Hare #2
Psycho, who of course always incorporates the use of stairs, go figure. Only to
be caught by Twat waffle. Maybe he likes to eat the chalk rather than make
trail marks with it. Moving right along. As the pack was making strides to
catch yet another hare, which apparently was too much for STD and NFN Alex who
decided to rest on the sidewalk along the way. Well at least Waffle decided to
get caught in a shady spot this time.
Psycho away. As to a surprise of many. This
speedracing bastard only made it about 100 meters or so before Turcockatron got
him. Thus forth it seemed like those were trading snares until Psycho was
caught at the end by NFN John. Then as he made the shocking discovery That
Shortcutting bastards Texas T-bag and Chainsaw Assacre finished before he did!!
All this while Sushi Cow Girl was nowhere to be found, hmmm. All except were
outside the train station enjoying beer while waiting for the slow pack
Notable Violations include: Shows to Daddy
(sleeping on trail/ or about to) Shortcutting, NFN John, T-bag, Chainsaw,
Sushi. jaywalking w/in eyesight of a policeman standing outside of the Koban.
(NFN John). Other hash buisness conducted at the Down-Downs were
"Anal"versaries: TW (25) , CJS & B.O.B (10), and of course NFN's
John / Juri (5) NFN John: Henceforth & forever more, you shall be known as
"Beaver Fister" NFN Juri: Henceforth & forever more, you shall be
known as " 2 Horse 2 Swallow" Ironic Twist for the Swallows Sisters?
I think not!!!
This run was attended by Twat Waffle, TCT, RS, Psychodrunk, CJS, SCG, Li’l Steamer, B.O.B, STD, Happy SM, PMS, TTB, DPS and NFNs John, Alex, Kelly and Juri. This was a relay hash from Daito to the Sasebo train station. Twat Waffle kicked off the first leg of the run. He picked his chalk poorly (or well, if it was his intent) because after the first couple marks the Hounds spent around 20 minutes trumping around through the shiggy and alleyways before finding the right path. Even then, in group, it was difficult to see the markings because they blended in so well with the sun-bleached pavement. Eventually our eyes adjusted and we caught up with him at a beer stop.
Psychodrunk volunteered to take the next leg and went off in his usual, speed-kills manner. With a five minute head start he was caught within five minutes. After begging his case that it was happenstance that led to his capture we let him take the 3rd leg. Again we gave him five minutes. Again he was caught within five minutes. Truly, not a good day for Psychodrunk!
Turcock A Tron took the fourth leg. By this point the group started separating as the more enthusiastic (or in better shape) took to the front. This leg was perhaps the longest of the run, but eventually he was caught sitting by a bridge watching the fish. He claimed he was spent at that point (more on that later).
Psycho then took the fifth leg. Off he went. In fact, several of us hadn’t realized he was gone until looking around and not seeing him.
At this point we decided to walk an additional five minutes. Which was a good idea for Turcock A Tron because when NFN Kelly started leaving the pack he was able to keep up with her. Was it the resting or something else that motivated him?
About half of the hounds made it to the Sasebo train station. However, the day was getting long, and we still needed to get to New Makati for the down down. Using smoke signals we notified the lagging hashers that we moved to New Makati and to skip the train station.
At the down down we celebrated the analversaries of Twatwaffle (25), Bent Over Board (10) and Captain Jack Swallow (10). But most importantly we named two NFNs!!! Let us celebrate the introductions of:
Too Horse to Swallow
Beaver Fister
On on!