Jul 21, 2010

Hash Trash 2010 July 17 Bar Crazy

The bar run started with straight edge, as the hare, taking the hounds on an extended tour of Sake town. Due to the extended tour 2 pedestrians were brought into the hash, NFN Alex and NFN Josh. The hounds made a quick beer check when a family mart appeared next to the hares map! After documenting the beer check the hounds were off to the first bar, Blue Mile. After refreshments a different hare was erected from the hounds and sent away. This would continue thru the run so all hashers would have an opportunity to hare. This hare took us all to Sailor towns Anchor Club where we documented our NFN street pick ups. Next it was back to Sake town where Karaoke Porn Star and One Dog Sleeping was caught near Venus. The hounds decided, since the hares were caught outside the bar, the hares would be let loose to find another establishment. Given ample time the hares regained their composure and were singing Karaoke when the hounds arrived atRomania. The next stop was once again in Sailor town at Playmates. During this stop Lesbian Butt Frower, who thinks it is too hot to hash, after some peer pressure promised to attend the next hash. Then Sushi Cow Girl made a trail error in leading the hounds to the next bar, Laguna’s. After the hounds corrected the hare all was made well since the hungry hounds were able to feast at Ace’s! Due to his mistake, Sushi Cow Girl once again hared, this time setting a good trail to After 5. Then it was off to Polo at which point everything gets a little fuzzy for all hashers since 9 bars have been visited. Outside re-visited Playmate the hounds completed swing low and the end of the hash was called. Hounds in attendance for run 358 included Naga Suck Me, Happy SM!, Straight Edge, Sushi Cow Girl, One Dog Sleeping, Texas T-bag, Psychodrunk, Oohlala, Strike Out, Karaoke Porn Star, iPhonicator, NFN Maki, NFN Alex, NFN Josh, NFN Brock, NFN Tim. The on on continued in Sailor town as the hashers visited multiple establishments until the sun cums up! On on Sushi Cow Girl


  1. Ahmen.... ODS and I were not caught outside the bar! We gave you a choice to go to Venus and apparently we have a ton of gay hashers! And let the record show that you also missed Double A which was right after Romania. But good job Sushi Cowboy... or girl, whatever you like!

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